I. CEO Message
II. HR Message
III. Industry Update
IV. West Region Update
V. The Future of Service
VI. Construction Corner
VII. Customer Spotlights
West Region Update – Sid Jenkins
Help Wanted!
Seems like everywhere I go I see Help Wanted signs. These signs are posted at most restaurants, convenience stores, retail outlets etc. Many companies are offering a signing bonus to entice a potential applicant. Yes, maybe the pandemic created most of this unemployment fiasco, but why is it so hard to find help nowadays? Where did the ex-employees go? Did they find a better job or are they still home not wanting to come back to work?
Finding good employees is one hurdle, but finding quality, dedicated and long-term employees is another. Fortunately, we are in an industry and work for a company that didn’t have a downturn in business last year. We even exceeded the prior year’s revenue!
A company is only as good as its employees and a company that retains its employees shows a stable front. When a company has high turnover, it creates a lot of uncertainty and low morale.
Here are some of the benefits of long-term employees:
- They show loyalty and commitment to their employer, coworkers, customers and vendors.
- Customers come to rely on these employees and respect their knowledge and dedication in whatever position they hold as they have routinely been performing their jobs for years.
- They take ownership of their work and pride in getting the job done right.
- Since they have been working at their job for several years they are very efficient at what they do. They can quickly knock out a task that would take a new employee considerably more time.
- They tend to have a positive outlook which they often pass on to the other employees and build that team culture.
- An employee that has been with a company for an extended period has seen the ups and downs of the business. They have weathered the storms, so they know how to respond when there is a major issue.

Our company has seen many changes through the years and our long-term employees have grown with us. So, this is a shout out to all the employees that have made a commitment to D&H United and its growth. We appreciate the 10 to 40-year veterans and want to say a warm felt Thank You for your continued contribution!
The West Region has had an extremely busy summer and we are still trying to keep up with its fast pace. With our fiscal year ending in June, it looks like this was a record-breaking year for the West. Highlights included:
- Additional revenue from our new branches in Arizona & Colorado
- Record years for the Lubbock & Amarillo branches
- Multiple NTI’s construction sites in El Paso
Everyone’s TEAM effort contributed to a banner year for our business. Kudos to everyone who made this historic year happen!