Remediation System Design & Instillation
D&H has successfully completed many remediation projects related to petroleum releases, heavy metals contamination, Nitrate-Chloride assessments, and dense non-aqueous phase liquids sampling. We have experience in the design and installation of dual phase extraction systems, vapor extraction systems, pump and treat systems, and low maintenance PSH skimmers. The types of projects we have successfully completed or are in the process of completing are:
- Steel Rolling Mill, Hazardous Waste Landfill Post Closure Monitoring
- Farmers Coop, 8-acre Gasoline Dissolved Phase Plume
- Fertilizer Bulk Plant, Nitrate Plume
- Gasoline Bulk Plant, NAPL over 2-acre area
- Petroleum Refinery, PSH Recovery System Piping & Cleanups on Various Spills
- Gasoline Station, Gasoline Plume Below Residential Area
- Aviation Fuel Groundwater Plume, 24-7 MDPE over 2 year period
- Hundreds of LPST Site Closures, Including Low Flow Sampling and Monitored Natural Attenuation Monitoring
Monitoring and Sampling
Sampling and Monitoring Equipment includes Air Powered Pumps for Deep Well Sampling; Low Flow Cell and Monitoring Meters for pH-Conductivity-DO-Temp-ORP; Variable Speed Pumps; FID; PID; 02-LEL-H2S-CO Meters; Interface Probes; Air Sampling Pumps; Digital Manometer; Portable Generators; Water Level Loggers, and High Flow Pumps.
Remediation Equipment Includes Thermal and Catalytic Oxidizers, Oil-Water Separators, Air Strippers, Storage Tanks, Positive Displacement Blowers, and Liquid Ring Vacuum Blowers.