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HR Message – Amy White
Doing the Right Thing
One of our company’s core values is to “Do the right thing”. What is the right thing? There is no list of correct answers to this question; it is up to you to decide. It will often be based on a gut feeling or the little voice inside your head. It is what YOU think is the right thing, not what family, friends, or society thinks is the right thing.
When you do the right thing, you tend to get back what you give. Help someone, be honest, be respectful of others, show people value, and you will get back what you give. It may not be right away, but it will come back to you. Doing the right thing also makes you feel better about yourself. It will help build your self-esteem.
Colonel (retired) Bill Smullen, USA, wrote in Ways and Means for Managing Up, “As a professional, regardless of rank or position, you must be accountable for all you do or fail to do to uphold the reputation and credibility of the organization.” In business, doing the right thing means acting with integrity and taking ownership and responsibility for your actions, right or wrong. It means working with co-workers as a team, showing respect for them, and being a good team player.
Doing the right thing is not always easy. One must take the time to weigh out the options. Many times, doing the right thing goes against the prevailing opinion but the key is to be comfortable with your choice. When you stand up for what’s right, you can inspire others to take similar action, to step out of their comfort zone and act in accordance with core beliefs and values.