I. CEO Message
II. HR Message
III. Chief Commercial Officer Introduction
IV. PS&C Introduction
V. Employee Spotlights
VI. Safety Moment
VII. Electric Vehicle Update
VIII. D&H United Help Desk Introduction
IX. Customer Spotlights
Welcome to the D&H United Quick Support – Ron Billmyre
We face many challenges in the field as a service technician; be it multiple vendor help desks, varying equipment manufacturers, long on hold times, and 600 page manuals to scour. We asked ourselves the question, “Is there a better way to get information and assistance to our technicians?” This question led to the birth of D&H Untied Quick Support.
The goal of Quick Support is to provide a single source solution to get all this data not only into the hands of our technicians but to provide that data in a seamless and efficient manner.

Quick Support is positioned to take calls during standard business hours with the intent of providing after-hours support in the future. This group of individuals hold the experience and skillset necessary to support most dispenser, tank monitor, and POS service requests. When a technician calls into Quick Support his call will be logged in to our software so we can better determine our technician’s needs and fill those training gaps accordingly. I like to think of Quick Support as a virtual field training opportunity, our agents are expected not to just provide a solution to the issue, but also take the time to educate and explain why the solution is that solution.
We hope this greatly improves efficiency in the field and becomes a great way to support both new to industry technicians and seasoned technicians as they grow their careers here at D&H.
We look forward to receiving your calls.