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  • In industries where downtime equates to lost revenue and dissatisfied customers, the significance of preventative maintenance and priority equipment support is paramount. Whether managing petroleum fueling systems, EV chargers, or automotive lifts, ensuring equipment remains operational is crucial for seamless operations and exceptional customer experiences. At D&H United, we recognize READ MORE
  • In today’s automotive industry, safety and compliance are paramount. Automotive lifts, essential tools in repair shops and dealerships, play a critical role in everyday operations. Yet, without proper maintenance and inspection, these lifts can pose significant safety risks. That’s where the Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) inspection program comes in, and READ MORE
  • There are growing pains, though, and the answer to growth in the industry isn’t necessarily new chargers or new EVs on the market, said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy, Boston. “There’s been a lot of money thrown at new chargers, but there hasn’t been a whole lot of READ MORE
  • Many tanks are approaching their warranty expiration after an EPA rule change three decades ago. But experts say proper maintenance can extend the service life well beyond that period. The year 1988 brought a big change for gas stations. That year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency updated its regulations for underground storage READ MORE
  • The Texas Financial Crimes Intelligence Center and fuel industry partners warn of a new fuel theft method employed by suspects. Suspects gain access to the internal section of the fuel pump cabinet and manipulate the valve coil wire with taps (aka pigtails). Suspects appear to be using a power source READ MORE
  • According to the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation’s Motor Fuel Metering and Quality program, new pump security requirements go into effect Jan. 1, 2024. If not already equipped with at least two of the items listed below, no later than January 1, owners or operators of fuel pumps are READ MORE